Samsung Solve for Tomorrow 2022 Reaches Successful Conclusion

March 12, 2023

Co. Ltd., today announced the 20 winning teams from the annual "Solve for Tomorrow – Innovate for a Better Hong Kong" competition. More than 2,000 primary and secondary school students from more than 400 schools showcased their creative talent. All 20 winning teams shared cash prizes and products worth over HK$270,000.Solve for Tomorrow 2022 was hosted by Samsung and co-organised by the Association of IT Leaders in Education (AiTLE) and Hong Kong Education City. Ying Wa Primary School and St. Stephen's Girls' Secondary School won the primary and secondary school categories, respectively.The Ying Wa Primary School team created the "Enkindle" to help students relieve stress. I sincerely congratulate the winning teams and hope they can improve and develop their creative projects to bring positive societal change and innovate for a better Hong Kong," added Zhao.

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The source of this news is from Vietnam News