JAKARTA – National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vương Đình Huệ applauded the Indonesia - Việt Nam Friendship Association for its contribution to enhancing people-to-people exchange and promoting business, and investment cooperation between the two countries during his reception for the association's President Budiarsa Sastrawinata in Jakarta on Saturday as part of his official visit to Indonesia. The Vietnamese NA Chairman highly appreciated his guest's initiative in establishing the association, with core members being entrepreneurs running investment and business projects in Việt Nam. Budiarsa Sastrawinata said that established in 2015, the association aims to consolidate and enhance the friendship between the two countries, including promoting people-to-people exchange and cooperation in various fields. NA Chairman Huệ emphasised that Việt Nam and Indonesia boast the long-standing traditional friendship and Việt Nam wishes to promote relations with Indonesia across all channels of the Party, National Assembly, Government, and people-to-people exchange. Huệ said he hopes the Indonesia - Việt Nam Friendship Association will have more and more members, while suggesting the association organise a people-to-people diplomacy event this year when the two countries celebrate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of their strategic partnership.