Tens of thousands of metric tons of frozen discarded chicken is smuggled into Vietnam each month, putting the local poultry farming sector at a disadvantage, according to the Vietnam Poultry Association (VIPA). The smuggling of discarded chicken has increased the risk of transmitting bird flu viruses and dangerous infectious diseases to Vietnam, as well as seriously affecting the local poultry farming sector. Vietnam’s chicken imports have risen continuously over the past five years, accounting for 20-25 percent of the total chicken volume consumed in Vietnam, according to statistics from the General Department of Vietnam Customs. Tens of thousands of metric tons of frozen discarded chicken is smuggled into Vietnam each month, putting the local poultry farming sector at a disadvantage, according to the Vietnam Poultry Association (VIPA). Vietnam’s chicken imports have risen continuously over the past five years, accounting for 20-25 percent of the total chicken volume consumed in Vietnam, according to statistics from the General Department of Vietnam Customs.