The market’s benchmark on the Hồ Chí Minh Stock Exchange (HoSE) tumbled 14.79 points, or 1.39 per cent, to 1,047.4 points. The breadth of the market was negative with 285 stocks going down, while 50 ticker symbols advanced. The VN30-index, which tracks the 30 biggest stocks on HoSE, also retreated to 1,046.99 points, a decline of 17.39 points, or 1.36 per cent. In the top three stocks dominating the market’s downward trend, Vinhomes (VHM) was the biggest loser with a fall of 3.26 per cent in market capitalisation. The other two names were PV Gas (GAS) and BIDV (BID), down 2.24 per cent and 1.18 per cent, respectively.