HÀ NỘI — The Party Central Committee’s Secretariat, chaired by Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng, on Friday decided to apply disciplinary measures against some Party member individuals for violating the principle of democratic centralism, the Party's regulations and the State's laws, showing a lack of responsibility and lax leadership. Dũng, a former member of the Party Central Committee and former secretary of the Party Committee of the Government Office, showed irresponsibility in organising flights to bring citizens home during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to some Government officials accepting bribes. Dũng's violations caused serious consequences, a bad public opinion among society and reduced the prestige of Party organisations and State administrative agencies. The committee decided to dispel Chử Xuân Dũng, Ma Thế Quyên and Nguyễn Văn Phong from the Party. Men Pholly, head of the An Giang Province’s Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs, former secretary of Tri Tôn District Party Committee and former chairman of the district People's Council, was dismissed from all Party positions for his violations.