100 restaurants, coffee shops in downtown Ho Chi Minh offer gratis toilet service

March 21, 2023

The District 1 People’s Committee in Ho Chi Minh City has publicized a list of 100 restaurants and coffee shops that offer free toilet service to residents and tourists. The District 1 People’s Committee has proposed the Ho Chi Minh People’s Committee give the nod for its plan to build five makeshift bathrooms funded by the city’s budget. Ho Chi Minh City is facing a severe shortage of public restrooms, as the city has a mere 200 public restrooms. The District 1 People’s Committee in Ho Chi Minh City has publicized a list of 100 restaurants and coffee shops that offer free toilet service to residents and tourists. Ho Chi Minh City is facing a severe shortage of public restrooms, as the city has a mere 200 public restrooms.

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The source of this news is from Tuoi Tre News